Do Me A Solid: Art Train Conductor No.9

We have seen trains, planes and automobiles plastered with
ads for almost anything under the sun. Yet it’s not every day that you
see an entire GO car wrapped in funky, fresh art. That is exactly what the
Art Train Conductor No.9 is.

Artist rendering of Art Train Conductor No.9

No.9: Contemporary
Art and the Environment
, with Toronto-based artists Jennifer Marman and Daniel Borins and GO Transit have partnered to create a moving, mobile art installation, not only to feast your eyes upon, but to get
you thinking about sustainable transit options.

Covered in an abstract, brightly coloured vinyl wrap, the Art Train Conductor No.9 will
be chugging along the GO network until December 1, 2012, servicing all seven
lines before the train pulls into the station for the last time. Posters and a
ceiling vinyl will bring the same graphic print inside, so 905-ers will have to
feast their eyes on besides the sights of transit faux
committed by fellow riders.
Good luck having your post-work nap in this colourful car!

Commuters on the Lakeshore line are the first to hop on the
Art Train, as GO Transit launched the project today to commuters.

Like us, this project isn’t all looks and no substance.
GO Transit and No.9 want to get you talking transit with their new app,
tetAtet. Created in consultation with students at the University of Toronto’s
Knowledge Media Design Institute, the free app helps to start discussion about transit in our city,
turning public transportation into a forum of public debate.

And it’s certainly not just environmentalists that have something to say! Author Margaret Atwood, architect
and transit expert Eric
have all created videos for the site about urban planning,
environmental concerns and transit issues.

More videos here.

For the not so tech savvy, special docents (a.k.a. the “app
wizards”) will be riding the rails with you for the first week to help you
navigate the tetAtet app: from scanning the QR code on the train’s interior to
watching one of the video clips.

You can download tetAtet on the train or online to voice
your thoughts, ideas and opinions. If you ever needed voyage out to the
‘burbs, this is it. All aboard!