Media Darling: Alexander Liang

Alexander Liang is an entrepreneur,
stylist and Editor-in-Chief of KENTON magazine. Originally from Vancouver, he broke into the New York scene graduating from Parsons School of
Design and cut his teeth in the fashion editorial world at Details
magazine, T: The New York Times Style Magazine and Mochi Magazine.  Also bringing in previous experience in fashion PR,
Alexander created
KENTON magazine on the basis of bridging the gap between the
commercial and avant-garde publications currently available to North
American consumers. 

Twitter: @kentonmagazine
Did you always want to be in
the media? If not, what other careers were on the horizon? 
No not at all.
As a child, I wanted to be everything from a farmer to an architect. When I
decided that I wanted to work in fashion, my first goal was to open the next
big fast fashion store. Later, things changed and I wanted to work in
advertising. That soon changed to PR and marketing, which then led to editorial
and media. I think I’ll stick with that for a while now, ha!
Where would you like to be
five years from now?
Five years from now, I hope to be doing even more in my current
role, with greater impact on the industry. I also hope that my business
continues to develop and reach new, still unknown successes.

Any advice for people getting
started in your industry?
Make sure you are passionate about what you’re doing. Set goals,
follow them and be professional. Work hard and try to learn as much as you can,
wherever life takes you. 

What are your favourite media
outlets, not including your own?
I get my news from a lot of different sources, but I enjoy
WWD and The New York Times.
Best interview you’ve ever
The best interview I’ve had was with celebrity stylist June Ambrose 
Best interview we’ve had in KENTON was with Joe Jonas.

To me, a bad interview would be one where conversation isn’t
flowing freely. Luckily, I haven’t run into any situations that I found to be
that difficult!

Best advice you’ve ever been
Be nice to everyone, because you never know where they came from
or where they’re going. For example, your current intern could become your
future boss.

What rule(s) do you live your
life by?

Seize the day.
What’s the most important tip
you can give PR pros?
Know who you’re pitching to and make sure your pitch is relevant
to them.

Best experience you’ve had
with a PR pro? We love to hear about #wins.
My favorite publicists acknowledge the coverage we give their clients,
and show appreciation and support back to us. It can even be something as
simple as making us feel special, but we’ll remember.
I hate?

I love?

My twitter feed.

Best place on earth? 

Dinner guest?
Victoria Beckham.

Ralph Lauren.
Favourite app (or whatever
you are downloading these days)?
Pool or ocean?

Voicemail or email?