Rave: Our Favourite Tumblrs

It doesn’t get much better than discovering a new, hilarious Tumblr. Bonus points if you’re the first one of your friends to pass it around.  You know you’ve hit the jackpot when you’ve scrolled through to the ninth page and you’re still snorting with laughter. These beauties beg to be shared, forwarded, tweeted, and then often… forgotten. But today, we bring you a few of our current favourites.

Poor Suri. Disappointed by so many people.
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We don’t just love Suri for her fear of Beyonce’s baby stealing her limelight or her dislike for the tomboyish nature of Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, it’s that this Tumblr has created a little character that we can’t help but love. This Suri Cruise is a saucy, neurotic little princess with a mean streak. If the real Suri has even half the personality that her online alter ego does, we kind of want to be best friends with her.

When this Tumblr was passed around the fourth floor.
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A heading followed by an animated gif. It’s the simplest concept, and yet we can’t pin down exactly what makes it so funny. Is it that we’ve all reacted in exactly the same way? That we’re in awe of how much time this blogger has to find all these images? The pure randomness of it all? Not sure. But it has us dying of laughter, nonetheless.

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A man receives texts from his bulldog, who is stuck at home, and posts them online. Totally normal, right?

“Please tell me you two are just planking”.
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The premise is pretty basic, but the hilarious photos of cats and captions is proof that cat people are funny too.

Expectation Reality

Photos juxtaposing expectations with reality. Why is it that everything is always worse than we hope?

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Guilty, it’s not a Tumblr (but we thought it was when we thought of this post). But we’re pretty sure the only reason it’s not is because the website pre-dates Tumblr,  which would be the perfect platform for these vintage examples of Superman being, well, a dick. The website format, making us scroll through the images one by one, will make you realize how grateful you are that Tumblr exists.