Photo Friday: Happy Movember!

It’s finally here, the one month that men wait all year for – the month they can finally let their facial hair roam free on their faces, in honour of Movember. We think it’s pretty great that a charity and awareness campaign has managed to grab hold so tightly of everyone. Guys like to grow a ‘stache and girls like to complain about it (while secretly sort of… enjoying). 

In honour of this great month-long hairy crusade, we’ve curated a collection of our favourite moustaches, and added a special photo at the end.

*Psst: Movember isn’t just about growing the bushiest moustache, it’s also actually about raising funds for male prostate cancer research and mental health issues. Make a donation here.

A classic moustache – Gregory Peck.

Brad with a ‘stache? Always.

Whoever this dude is….kudos.

Perhaps one of the greatest moustaches of our generation.

Another handsome mouth brow from our time.

Impressive form.

Yes, we ARE ready to rumble.

Charlie’s quirky ‘stache.
Perhaps the most famous Canadian mo.
Never half ass two things, whole ass one thing.
(Like this moustache)
Image source.

Serious soup strainer.

Frida down to the hair.

Jules has got some impressive facial growth.

A more permanent (and unisex!) option.

When leading men were manly.

Happy Movember! 
(Apparently we take moustaches REALLY seriously).