City Living: Best Arts Programmes

We love attending as many events around the city as possible, but a busy social calendar can be a strain on the wallet. That’s why we take advantage of the amazing discount ticket programs that many arts organizations in our fair city offer patrons under 30 years old. Over 30? Find your youngest friend/cousin/colleague and tag along as his or her companion. Several of these organizations will give you the deal, too.

Opera for a New Age

COC’s Tosca
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The Canadian Opera Company reserves 150 seats at each performance for its Opera for a New Age program. If you’re 29 or under, tickets to each performance are only $22. If your companion is over 30, this program allows you to purchase a ticket for him or her as well, regardless of age. Tickets for the spring calendar, featuring The Tales of Hoffman, A Florentine Tragedy / Gianni Schicchi and Semele, go on sale March 31. Don’t wait too long, because the discounted tickets sell quickly.


The Game of Love and Chance
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$12.50 will buy you a ticket to see live theatre, courtesy of Canadian Stage’s C-Stage program. Tickets are available to purchase two weeks before the performance, and you must be a registered member of the C-Stage program to take advantage (registering is free). Your companion must also be under 30 to qualify for a discounted ticket. Tickets to Dark Matters are currently on sale, while The Game of Love and Chance goes on sale April 1.


The Sleeping Beauty 
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The National Ballet of Canada offers its DanceBreak program for people 16 to 29 years old. Join the free membership program, and you are eligible to purchase $30 tickets on the day of the performance. Over 29? You can still find affordable tickets through the Rush Tickets program. Beginning at 11 a.m. on the day of an eligible performance, tickets are available for $35 each at the box office. We’re especially excited about The Sleeping Beauty, running March 10 to 18.


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The Toronto Symphony Orchestra offers $14 tickets for patrons under 35 through the tsosoundcheck program. Spend an evening listening to live classical music by great composers like Brahms and Beethoven, or experience more modern fare with the Pops series. Tickets typically go on sale a week before the performance, so check the website for upcoming concerts. Subscription packages for the 2012/2013 schedule are on sale, with tickets as low as three concerts for $66. We already have our eye on West Side Story with Orchestra in May 2013, a screening of the movie accompanied by a live performance of the musical score.


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Have you fallen in love with the arts through these programs? We thought so. Now get your arts fix with Opera Atelier’s Operatix program. Opera Atelier performances are a unique blend of theatre, opera and ballet, and people under 30 may purchase discounted tickets to any performance for $20. The next show is Armide, playing April 14 to 21.