Meet Our Team: Erin

Erin is our newest intern, and so far, she’s been knocking our socks off. She is currently in her second year of the Media Studies program at the University of Guelph-Humber, specializing in public relations. Growing up, she wanted to be a princess or a bride, then a pop star.
Now, her ambitions are focused on pursuing a career in PR (but it’s not too late to be a bride or a princess too, Erin!). Erin has a diabetic cat named Oreo, a younger sister named Paige and likes to watch delicious dishes being created on the Food Network (but not create them herself). 
Welcome to the fourth floor! 

Twitter: @erin_cochrane

How long have you been part of the team?

It’s my fourth week! 
What do you love most about living in Toronto?
Right now I am living in Mississauga, calling T.O. my second home. Working at rock-it promotions has given me the opportunity to explore the city a bit more. The ladies here know all the best hot spots.

What can’t you leave the house without?
My transit pass! My feet would be really sore without it. 

Best gift you’ve ever received?
This past Christmas I was surprised with a trip to Great Wolf Lodge in Niagara Falls with friends (the best friends a girl could ask for!) and my boyfriend. Even though the average age of the patrons there was probably six, I left with a wet bathing suit and my dignity intact. 

How do you like to relax?
Hanging out in my fuzzy pink bathrobe catching up on episodes of How I Met Your Mother.

Best part about being a publicist?
As a publicity intern, I love that every day is different: events, meetings, you name it. I am learning a ton!

A little more from the fourth floor:
Website: I love reading (and sending) their hilarious, crude cards about current events. 

Designer: My grandmother. She always made the best Halloween costumes, from Sleeping Beauty to fairy princesses. 

Store:  Banana Republic.

Book: Secret Daughter by Shilpi Somaya Gowda.

Snack: S’mores. My friend Maria makes the best ones with gooey peanut butter – yum.

Season: That in between point of spring and summer, where it’s warm enough that you don’t need a jacket, but you don’t feel like melting in the summer sun. 


Inspiration: Friends, family. Women that kick butt and look good doing it.   

Drink: Diet Coke. 

Motto in two words: Be awesome.