Rants and Raves: DIY Spa Services

If you’ve been reading our blog long enough, you know by now that we enjoy pampering ourselves every now and again (more now than again in some cases).
We don’t however, enjoy paying astronomical amounts of money for things that we can easily attempt to do ourselves, or at least modify to fit our needs.
With that in mind, we decided to have a girl’s night in to try out some of our all time fave DYI spa treatments. Be warned, some of these are so ridiculously easy to replicate, you may give up on going to the spa.
The Beach Look
Are you tired of frizzy hair that has no shape during the summer months? We’ve got the solution for you. This hair treatment will leave your hair looking like you just spent a day at the beach, sans sand in your knickers or scorched skin.
½ cup of water
2 ½ tbsp of sea salt (kosher salt will do the trick too)
1 tsp of your go-to hair gel
Mix ingredients in an empty spray bottle, and spray freely to very damp hair. Don’t brush through, instead use your fingers to comb through your hair.
Once done, scrunch to form curls, or leave it be and let dry naturally. Voila! You’ll be rocking some serious beach hair in the city.

Kate Hudson rocking her signature look.
Foot care
Most people tend to have dry feet, which is especially true during the summer months. Walking around in sandals also leads to dirt making a home on your feet, leaving them feeling dry and rough. To aid this uncomfortable and unappealing dryness, we really dig this recipe.
½ cup of moisturizing lotion
½ cup of moist sand (a little bit from a local sandbox will do, or a good excuse to go to the beach)
5 drops of essential oil. Your choice of scent, we love adding lavender or orange.
Mix all ingredients in a large bowl and apply from mid calf to your feet. You have to make sure to get the scrub in between toes and around your heels to ensure you are exfoliating your skin as much as possible.
Rinse, use a towel to pat dry, then let air-dry. Once skin is fully dry, moisturize again using a creamy body lotion. Anything thick and with shea butter will work beautifully.

We love sand in our toes. Just not dry feet.

Because the sand is a little rough on your skin, we recommend this foot/leg treatment no more than three times per month. Be careful not to scrub off too much skin.
Skin care 
This tip comes to you courtesy of one of our Grandma’s. She’s got beautiful skin, so we are vouching in the name of tradition and family-tested tips.
2 tbsp of body moisturizer
1 tsp of sugar – brown or white will work. Brown sugar is a little coarser, so just be careful if you have sensitive skin. Tip: If your skin is really sensitive, Grandma recommends using oatmeal. If you do so, double up on all ingredients to allow the oatmeal to soak up the moisturizer.
1 tiny drop of lavender oil (it will add a bit of scent and some natural oil)
Mix ingredients in a small bowl. Apply to skin thoroughly, and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse, and pat dry, then let air-dry. Your face will be silky smooth.
If you want to try this recipe as a facial cleanser, substitute regular moisturizer for facial moisturizer, use white sugar or oatmeal anvoilàyou have yourself an exfoliating facial.

This is what we looked like when we had our home-spa party. 

Hope these at-home treatments are as much fun for you as they were for us.
Do you have more DIY spa tips? Tweet us @rockitpromo.