LGFW: Media, Darling: Stefania Yarhi

Stefania Yarhi is an independent writer/photographer and CEO of Textstyles.ca (recommended reading according to NOW Magazine). She says, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, come sit by me.” But we know she’s a lot nicer than that. 

Twitter: @textstyles


What was your favourite class in high school?
I loved my art class. Number one because our teacher Ms. Fularski put all of herself into the program. We studied everything, we played with every medium and she organized a trip to Italy and France. The encouragement I got to pursue my creativity in all forms in that class was enormous.

How did you get your start as a fashion blogger?
I signed up on Blogspot, borrowed my friend’s camera and just started posting.

If you weren’t a Media, Darling, what would you be doing right now?
Wishing I had followed my passions…
Pitching or follow up: Phone or email?
Email, seems no one’s ever on the other end of the line.
We know irrelevant pitches, calling you the wrong name and eight follow-ups are no-no’s; what else should publicists avoid doing?
Misspelling my name! I know it’s not the most common, but really something that takes two seconds shows an extra effort. One I’m likely to pay back.

Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise, especially if it ends your night.
Scent? This will most absolutely offend someone: Pussy. An essential oil from the rasta man in Kensington market.
Cookie? Yum?
Flower? Orchids, blue ones. Not that I’ve ever gotten any.
Ticklish? Yes, and no, I’m not telling you where.
Shower or bath? Shower.
Film? Moonstruck, without a shadow of a doubt.
Crush? Javier Bardem, close second Channing Tatum.
First job? Working for Mama’s Pizza in the food court at the Ex.
Inspiration? The fashion industry.