Rave: The Right Hand

As mentioned back in August, we were quite excited for The Right Hand to debut this fall. We were fascinated by the offer of a behind-the-scenes look inside the porn industry, not to mention the 12 part series is co-created and directed by the fourth floor’s very own Matt Austin-Sadowski.

Brandon lights up the action, while Porno Dan supervises.

The Right Hand follows Ayr, Ontario-native Brandon MacIntosh as he embarks on his first job after graduating film school. After applying to an ad on Craigslist, MacIntosh finds himself working for Porno Dan. In case his name didn’t give it away, Porno Dan is the CEO of Immoral Productions, an adult film production company specializing in cross-platform XXX videos. We love a fish-out-of-water scenario, and a small town kid entering the notorious world of porn is about as out-of-water as it gets.

Unlikely buddies.
This reality/comedy series premiered this weekend on The Movie Network and Movie Central but the fourth floor was invited for a sneak peek on Thursday evening. While we really enjoyed a glimpse of two future episodes, the highlight of the evening was meeting the stars of the show in the flesh. Porno Dan, Brandon and starlet Jackie Daniels were all in town to celebrate the show’s premiere. We spent a fascinating night chatting about the inner workings of the industry. And boy, we learned a few things, like how fans usually prefer real breasts over fake ones, that a house in Vegas costs just $1000 a month to rent and that the girls who work with Porno Dan do so because they want to – not because they’re forced to. 
This article on The Grid does a fantastic job of summing up the evening’s events. Between our chats with Porno Dan and the scenes we saw, we can assure you that you don’t want to miss any episodes. You may not get to meet the stars of the show in person, but The Right Hand will to fascinate and entertain you just as much.

The Right Hand airs on Fridays and Saturdays on TMN and Movie Central. Check your local listings for airtimes as they change it up a bit from week to week. The first episode will be available on demand as of October 18.

Have any questions or comments for director Austin-Sadowski? Follow him at @mattyaustin.

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